aid them in avoiding the unpleasant encounters with hunts 
men. (They have learned from bitter experience that 
most such encounters are unpleasant if not fatal. Just how 
this information is transmitted from generation to gene- 
ration is a problem for the naturalist.  Is is however, 
undeniabley true.) 
    For deer, antelope and other smaller game, horses 
are no particular advantage except in taking the kill 
back to camp. In any case, competent guides are available 
at all times. There is no limit to the number of specimens 
that may be Ireturihed to he U. S. 
    For an unusual thrill that appeals both to the hunter 
and fisher, shooting the large sharks and manta rays from 
the deck of small power boats is very strongly recommen- 
ded. Is is doubtfull if any waters in the world offer more 
in sport fishing than those surrounding Puerto Libertad. 
With power boats available every day during the year 
becomes a veritable parade of marauding marlin and 
swordfish; of huge bass and Tiburon sharks, of fierce 
fighting sierra and sailfish, and, in season, the gigantic 
manta rays that very often exceed fifteen feet from 
tip to tip of their powerful batlike wings. Never attempt 
to take manta rays without sufficient and adequate equip- 
mente and a POWER boat, since an angry ray is quite 
capable of upsetting the average rowboat. Use a harpoon 
with a heavy line or a short boat pole with al least 300 
yards of 48 strand cuttyhunk for extra husky fisherman or 
500 yards of 24 strand line for the average man. A ton of 
cantankerous manta ray must no be considered too lightly. 
    For swordfish, marlin, sierra, sailfish and the rest 
of the lighter game fish up to 300 pounds, the usual ta- 
ckle is sufficient and even 9 strand cuttyhunk is adequate