:iJh &  ie                          JUUdY/y 2W, 1920. 
           she ollow"in stae isent is ude in order to furnish 
   av;!iluble inffoi~tion regarding the condition of Z rages 
   in coetain sections on' Utah and the factors influencin, this. 
          It h   "ls aost universally been the rule that 'then an 
   overstockin  oW r~an es by j0u, e anVuals hs occurred, it has 
   developed to a criticAl sta,  rapidly dnd injury has been 
   done both to umue and rane before the true situa-ition ;as ap- 
   preciated.   lhis hAs )een true on several priv te awiae pre- 
   serves, was true on t2e  ai-)b   tint1ol obrest ond in .e on- 
   sylvania.   another point for oo ideration is tbat it is 
   inevitble tVat averstockine will occur in certain sections 
   while others are yet unnerstocked. Observations on Can 
II rz'es over a lo, period of ;es hus convinced me that there 
   is very sli iht driftiný aw;ay iron fully stocked ranes by deer.

   npurnvntly they are somewhat like livestock, they riy -i ýrate

   considcr~ble distances in their seasonal drit from su    r to 
   winter rain us ut ýwen accustomed to wertain ranues thay do 
   not leave theM even in the face of stnrvation. Just such a 
   situation exists on the Ulubab National norost and in .ecn- 
          It W as been an lcsted that in congested are.s the 
   deer be tra ped for relecse in other sections.  In sll 
   numbers this is ractical but at its best is a difficult 
   and expensive project.   h=ere c:n be no comparison between 
   trappin. deer   -a trazInr elk.   At ardinr, ontna,      en 
   trl pin. elk, deer aumetins enter thW corrals   I A thu elk 
   b5t usuplly Aill Ahemselmes.   n Ve 0       .   ý i. ie years 
   ": An, on t is problem  .d the expenditre o,. 1evcral thou- 
   sand doll rs in ecuipment, fwns and occasionally yearlinas 
   only are IL ndled and even then losses run close to 200. In 
   auoat anyr unit ;here deer have uveratoke~d ra( ices, they occur 
   in sufficiently lKrpe numbers s- t. t in view ow the ex ense 
   an. difficulties ou trawpinl, it offers no real solution to 
   the problem.    what success has been n d in trappiAn doer is 
   "at an expense -0ih nukes it imprecticul on any consideraule 
   sac. le,