April 1413 
Mr. Jesse !Tusbam 
Archaeological Society 
Santa Ye, New Mexico 
Dear Je~st 
          l stateant about buffalo on the Soloto ras obtatned 
from "Geological Suwyey of Ohio," Yol. II1, b, varlous aithors,

p~ublished by N~evins 3a Meyers, Oolwmbuas, 13,2.  On p0,Ig 72 is a 
stat(eent that the bLffalo was originally found on the anris:7, 
Ohio, M     , mee.  s  , md Scioto rIvers. Ther is to    iapli 
tion that prairie conlitions tended to follow these rivers, althou4h 
it is po3 ible to contnu the statement a    e    itn he watersheds 
as a wole. 
         'The last butffalo in Ohio wasi 7killed by Chiarles Prancis 'hiteil,

a Frenchman. at G;allpolii, in 1795.  ?e lst buffalo killed east of 
the MisissapSi River Tas klled b- Sioux Ii       on the       e 
River, Wisconsin, in 1932. 
         On pe75 the     ta trant is made that buffalo in the eastern 
states seem to have been 7eologically recent. 
         I find I have no extra copy of the map showing all these 
locations, but it w11 appear on page 191 of my Gvae 3ey Ppo, 
copy of which will reach you within a couple of weeks. 
         I have been talling with Irdrers about the )olsom point. 
One of them has suggested tat In view of the         width of the 
blade occurrlir so far forward a sinew wra      v y have been attached 
Just above the srall barbs or "ears" at the baoe of the point.
the slope of the autting edge wTold he, r approach the shaft instead 
of receding from it, a wraApin, would not materially interfere with 
penetration.  I  old    get hat ou look over your models carefnlly 
to see if there is anything to ouch a  ossible -rapuIw  of this kind. 
If we can find where a wrappig occ     d, then the technical diffi- 
culties of attachinr a shaft would be resolved. 
          ,7ith best regards, 
Yours as evert