... -. Tznt. wata Is..e vey extqn.iVe 1n, .field. County.  iprzximneltV35O
miles' 6 sprLn&- 
 "fed brook.s through deep, . nharowa vviane-1lk.  valeys froi-thbnoZrthe
r'hghlmi)_  and - some 
 flow. from spring holes through rdlel.vely flat land 1n the-   e    aifiiige:.Thor
 a few small cold wir (sprinfalem. "tt.'e Iws. .   These brooks in -eir.
. hve.t co11 oWion : 
 .  threaded.their v.oy. t.rugh flands s. brish     - iLnqg9Ing-d :fire have~modified
this '-brook 
 envic. Te (a) .by rr.i%  g  r'otoctif ao n      ,sisv6 e44#6rction 6ind'heAt,
 (b) by* 
          ~~~~eajL~~~~ g~~ w.o~ e-.~6tanriting .i. n the.41ltin~g in,'of
68eý'Pobls, ad  c 
 ° by Inc~i    z$ OIe l varion i   :o teerrta. eprcLtureO nd-fobd supply
for trout . 
      A gaaI dP1 of 'stream iraprovemenft work has been dofie in the last
few years.. TheJ Fish 
  Stream Iuprpvem.nt Hanbook issued by the Federal Forest Service, 1936,
sumnrizes the .rdquike1- 
  ments, for a good trout tr~ezrk'.s follows: (a) pure wnter, -b)-fVora-lerae"
of-waiter 'temera- 
  tura, (c) breeding 4       (d) adequatQ sheltert .() abun...t fbo4;s1Ip.'
(f) protection'$" 
      To 6 a-A rppor and eveh improve s'treas thi.s Ikan-bo~k groups i4roe('emeftt
davicet £~i. 
             ......... . .. ow . ( dam-s, (b) deflectors, .a. (c) shelters.
Im  betw t   nxrlow 
 aps i n cr ea" , -sa - v&Vbl   ivoi tu t' eatly increasing sum,,.er
terL''erattrej , Deflectors increase 
 velocity and'Lnearti.n of'atb andý r~dce' 211ting. Shelter, in the
f orm. of overhax~4-ng- treesq, 
 br-, - and st -ch'o red driftvwoo offers protection    . al so shade,. 
    .   .T, a' v ery b .doo1  y be obt * Pal  ro' the" U. S. Yorest
er Ivi -"e epajrtmeiA of 
 .ýgricu~ltuxre, Washngton .  C.,. jt should, be int'-Oe 'Ibrn~ry
of every c~inty Con'servati-on -Coninittoe* 
      U 1he  t-Ipo~rtat -tural. f          tbise which have part or :ill
of  ýieir- lif6',histo- 
- in the water. Exztm-ple: Ir                               - tzeles a~i
lis n ~rio forms of tWo-winged 
-flies; z.also. c  teostoas forms ._sch  fresh water shrinp, 'crawfi'sh 'd
sow bugs, molllis~cs'in. 
  thp* fom.o~ f,  Is j.and, clamns.;_small1fishes, and- frzesh water ec~rth
'worms. Next come terrestrial 
  jrmsT,, which f'all -iri.tQ.the Fater by a.deiceent, such  earth viormns-
grass hoppor~s,ýbeds, wsps, 
  "furni shed as . .. h              ng sme :c i,,y: "fValtha CI
..' a O " "' ingI 6sunner' months. B -1 -hade d.'Aioreb1nae, -arn-

    slmo-nre ladf orms t2hrn do op~en shor-el1n*. 
      "IWhI~le we~b. e bel-vao ptokiný, -t o b e o f major izportaznce
whar a s hort,,Ze o f youn fI~ ish   thE"U 
  pri"ncipal lim" "  ........rit.-s' apparenlt :that -±here
food supply Ti i the predominant limiti=ng 
  fatrsokjgq; acrýls no useful' p*ýrpqs.e.A**- 
      Fro Btreai of Fiseres - Instituto'for Mb~e~m an L&6   aa%2ZýWr2'.

   .           ani . lc~tl ,.f~tlirp ii. t, i.. 54 p' r. , . ..    ..   
     an                   ...p .ý 0 r 19e, 0,           W