Cameron Creek and a -portion of Mah,-onery Creek; ;itet+Basin;-.- G .-ni
Creel-, up to and includi  part of the burn; NTorton Creek, below the 
first l)eftyh-nd fork; north side of. Sheep' Crezlki up] Athn&<'c'myon
aĆ½nd r im- 
rocks.  The follovwin, caunts are recoqred,. 'together with the datets on,

which ,they were made: 
         Drainage                Date            ,To. -Deer Counted 
   Vicinity Range.Cr.          Jan. :18'               810 
                               Feb. 217                291     : 
   White Creek Basin           Dec. 8                   67 
                                Jan. 14                129 
                                Jan. 24 -             177 
                                :'eb., 20              276 
                                Mmr. 26-               251 (Lowver basin
   Cabin Creek      .           Dec, 6                  23 
                                Jano. 20                18 
                                Mor..14                  9 
   ITorton Creek                Jan.:19                100 
                                   3r 3',              206 
   Sheep Creek                  Jan. 12:    ,           91. 
                               Feb. 5                   72, 
                               Mear. 7                 192 
          Most of the -.rige represented h, ere is of low or intermediate

character. Eceeptions 'to this a;e ,the 'cou2nts mr-ade in" Rruge and
Creeks, and in the uipper portion of the White Creek Basin. Even, so, the

counts show rather. tell the gener.l -distribti o.n of the deer as to ele-,

vation a.nd the graS!ual' drift towvr: the river, '0ing'late winter -md. spring. Tlle time. 'of day and- weather condi'tions effect the nubers

counted enormously. 
          "V.ery few deer wintered in Cabin Creek. Mr. -Falconbery sny
this range;, is utilized in the spring dUring the drift back to the suniuer

range. Observations ma,.de would seem' to'bevr him out, since the browse

showes the effects of heavyj use, yet it has been utilized only slightly

to date. No doubt this spring use is:'responsible, for the slight current

growth recorded on the Cabin Creek check plot.. Further obserVations 
Will be mride on this xrea as opportuni.ty aff ods 
          One trip during Febraay,. was mc&e into the head of White Creek

and approximantely 350 deer were cou'nted. It is estimated that 500 to. 
600 deer wintered within and radjg,.cent to the White Creek drainage. 
          ./From observations throughout the winter and counts made ,during

March, it is-believed that the estimate !ade by Ranger Bolles in' 1929-30

of number of.-deor Wintering Within the game preserve, is not far from 
correct. This igs .lAred tt 8,000 head. 