April 3,1930 
Mr. S. 3. Looke 
U. S. torest Service 
Ogden, Utah 
Dear Locket 
             V. 3. Orange is reiĆ½nig as director of game for 
the Wisconsin Conservation Commission and is entering the Biol. 
ogical S-auvey. I am making roach effort as I can to have the 
Comisalion feel you out oa this opening provided I can peresa4 
them to raise the ante sufficiently to make it worth yiUxr while. 
             Grange has done some extraordlarily meritoriouis 
work in getting things started, and I am extremely anxious that 
we hve appointed as his successor a man capable of real leder- 
ship in developing the Wisconsin  me program. Whether you will 
ever hear from this is more than I can tell now. I will try to 
keep you posted. 
                                 Yours sincerely, 
                                   ALflO LLOPOLD 
                                In Charte, ON*l fuateT