(Last Bill Introduced by Senator Arthur Capper of Kansas) 
S. 2944 
         August 7 (legislative day, August 5,) 1948. 
Mr. Capper introduced the following bill; which was read 
  twice and referred to the Committee on Interior and 
                     Insular Affairs. 
                A BILL 
  To establish Admiralty island National Park in the 
                Territory of Alaska. 
I    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repres- 
2 entalives of the United Stales of America in Congress 
3 Assembled, 
4 That the tract of land in the Territory of Alaska 
5 known as Admiralty Island, as shown on the Topo.- 
6 graphical Map of Admiralty Island Prepared in the 
7 Geological Survey as surveyed in 1934 to 1938, 's 
8 hereby reserved and withdrawn from settlement, oc- 
9 cupancy, or disposal under the laws of the United 
10 States, and said tract is dedicated and set apart as a 
11 public park for the benefit and enjoyment of the 
12 people under the name of Admiralty Island National 
13 Park. 
Sec. 2. Nothing contained in this Act shall affect any 
valid existing claim, location, or entry under the land 
laws of the United States -whother for homesteading, 
4  mineral, right-of-way, or any other purpose whatso- 
5 ever, or affect the rights of any such claimant, locator, 
6 or entryman to the full use and enjoyment of his land 
7   Sec. 3. Whenever consistent with the primary pur- 
8 poses of the park, the Act of February 15, 1901, relat- 
9 ing to the lication of rights-of-way in certain national 
10 parks and national forests for irrigation and other 
11 purposes, shall Le applicable to the lands included 
12 within the park. 
13   Sec. 4. Nothing in this Act shall in any way modify 
14 or affect the mineral land laws now applicable to the 
15 lands in said park. 
16   Sec. 5. The said park shall be under the executive 
17 control of the Secretcry of the Interior, and it shall be 
18 the duty of the Secretary, as soon as practicable, to 
19 make and publish such rules and regulations not con- 
20 sistent with the iaws of the United States as the Sec- 
21 retary may deem necessary or proper for the care, 
22 protection, management, and improvement of th.' 
23 same, the said regulations being primarily aimed at 
24 the freest use of the said park for recreation purposes 
25 by the public and for the preservation of animals, 
26 birds, fish, and for the preservation of the naturi 
27 curiosities and scenic beauties thereof. 
    2d Session. 
1   Sec. 6. The said park is hereby established as a 
2 game refuge, and no person shall kill any game in 
3 said park except under an order from the Secretary 
4 of the Interior for the protection of persons or to pro- 
5 tect or prevent the extermination of other animals 
6 or birds: Provided. That prospectors and miners 
7 engaged in prospecting or mining in said park may 
8 take and kill therein so much game or birds as may 
9 be needed for their actual necessities when short o! 
10 food; but in no case shall animals or birds be killed 
11 in said park for sale or removal therefrom. 
12   Sec. 7. The Secretary of the Interior may, in his 
13 discretion, execute leases to parcels of land not ex- 
14 ceeding twenty acres in extent for periods not to ex- 
15 ceed twenty years whenever such land is necessary 
16 for the erection of establishments for the accommoda- 
17 tion of visitors; may grant such other necessary privil- 
18 eges and concessions as he deems wise for the accom- 
19 modation of visitors; and may likewise arrange for the 
20 removal of such mature or dead or down timber as he 
21 may deem necessary and advisable for the protection 
22 and improvement of the park. 
23   Sec. 8. There are authorized to be appropriated 
24 such sums, not to exceed $20,000 a year, as may bo 
25 necessary for the maintenance of the park. 