lost hots. in the snow:m, and foun panther truaks. The 
following da he wmt on horseback, traking the aml 
throgh the snow, finn117 killing hiz near the Balard Roa,*, 
         A photogaph of the eouparq f~uri~shed by~ 
Mr. -ý'* H.Zo, s  of the College, shows that the upper 
right rind lower left oazaines are nmsig.i, The eoonition 
of the toth, olose at          length, and other data leave 
little if m  doubt that the speoLas represets the ooigar 
killed at Appleton, Now. 22, IN70 by ame  P. Hart. 
Insofr as known it is the only Wisoonsin speoinev ur.ant. 
         A paper an th ftrer distr1bution of the oouar 
In flsoonsin will be published later, A    Shorger, 
160 No Prospeat, Ave. Madisons, Wis. 
2- ~z2- 1 3