of people who  are concerned in thý p  udt or c tx c of wild-life,
the basis 
for which is the obaned conditioni  of  i; svili. , -n.   7leoords show 
that thousands and even millionb              a: ',, ,, ;x visiting the Nctional

Forests and National Park.ý for ecý4 s     u    te tAn  a few
years ago. 
WNhen I was a boy, one in ordinray dail  lfe ntartuy c me in contact with

"the out-of-doors a ;eat decl from           Cie  was  Ino a otxuaL
ticn of both 
mind Fend body. This is not so oner!lly ,ru t-oy on accouot of the con- 
oentration of population in tojus and ertli  and sou  inoentivo such aa 
fishint or hunting or ebeervztion oV , d-Iife 1. neoeLry to cll the 
youth out where there is full upportunity for play of fzmny a=d healthful

recreation. Vith the cloac supervis.ion of youth today the out-of-dour life

  is particularly valuable in developing injttijj'tve where decisions mat
  made and problems raet without close supertisione  If we nay g with Qur
  where ctn fethrs get as close to them tas -.round a campfire?  here oem
  eze    .rle of .Ixoper ethi s be better shown then in god sport  hip, in

  playing the re squarely, with the natins rather then the end being the

  measure of -ueees?  Oh, what are the tr eurev we perish to win to the 
  first little shiner we caught on a pint 
        Judge Moutgm-ry of lM'wtgawerz, Alab.ioa owyi, "I bave sent
over 1,000 
 men, woion mn~i bout to pxi.n and hlve yet to find ont real criminal who
 taught in his youth to lovm the outdoors. Teach the boy to row a boat, 
 to  wims4 t  is  and hunt Vnd Then he oOMs to ;aXhod he will be found an

 the Jury and not before it." It is thiu value ad4 thio public der:zmnd
 poiflta th: w- for the qtocla-n to interest himi-elf in the probltu, if
for no 
 private renEon, -o tbl t whatever policy is evolved All be baaed on souM
 exact infornxition rather then hearsay or =ere opinions. ?-he such informa-

 tion is available stable policies oan be establis;head and unoertiantles
 well no injustices should be reduced to the mini==. Pending the obta lning

 of such iLIfovmration, an at°itude of eve and tacl  and  ou eon idoeration

 of eaah others vievqpint between reprmsent~tiTe stocamen and socn     or

 lovera ou wild-live will aeamplish much, If possiblo snttle locU problem

 by     nd table cairoen betwueun lucl interestb      ik. nee on :ctlion
to be 
 reo(T~nndud to hihiw sourcas if noeaeiýry, rather than atteoqtin.
1 settle 
 0h    by Intie undent moves reýsulting in  esolutions of erX j a
(iiead at .Amerioean National i410stock Association Meeting, 6eattle, Jen
Zo, 1931)