C (cont.) 9 
p. 235    nd of July, beginnini of &Rugist, grain - at first fwice 
          a day. 
          hen birds are tb'eea-rters grown, are brought into 
             voIee ge            eries (wheat, kakurtso oran- 
          voliere, r-et emi a bethrrt 
          bArris, Imok   i      juniper berries, brumbles And 
          their leaves). every second day pine and larch brtiiohes 
          brought into ran. 
              Me     long,, 4-5 meters "nigh and 5 meters broad, 
           boarded 1 meter highA net then slates on roof,  oor 
           candt beside drinkig troughs, ravel. A pole right 
           aaross for swinging. old s~oi and gravel renewed twi 
           a year. 
           Bof -'.brm7r birds divided so that one cook 
           ith two or three hens In every run. Other cooks let 
           out, baving kept 2 or throe in reserve. Can be very 
           wild, Cook bae to be shat ul while ru is d&ily cleaned. 
           .Tests repared of moss, sheltered by pine branohes. 
           gelsij by night osught by net. 3-mattie eq a replaoed 
           by perlhiibner aegs, a:- lien is often disturbed. 
p. 237        s6 fens given egg shells before laying. 
           8?     e    et u with birds irorted fram -orway and 
           let out In forest, un years when 3 ooos were noticed at 
           1splatz vith 10 or 12 hens, success a9etieý d - elsply.

           7verything done to ake birds like "Stand" - no hepnge

           8e - boar and predatory animle sshot - every disturbance 
           'go often fo    from i #rted hens breeding in forest. 
           race protected. Always betched well - birds disappered. 
  p *238   Con.lusion. 
                Mesible if difficult. "inb"rgerung (T2rans- 
           planting , almst inpossible, altho everythinL neeessry 
           seem present. Forests lave altered - Auerwild once 
           Alera tion in Poreets, 
           inimg or s s - deorease of huoklebr-    es aher, 
           y         er no          sod. A    ii  doesn 
           necessar  ýOoA to" fee rell, to take up stand, and
           ,Fn         bames brd and swollen - grest thirst - siokneas 
           lasts three do o  en death   naoe eick hen net free 
           come beck helthy.  (Ieiferilfer Patel when swallowed, 
           Cesting beak - only in case of cocks from July to 
           3 ep t eber,.