New Soils Buidingj 
                                    April 26, 1935 
  Dr Jou . Soott 
         Wat Z I A4 In inind to tell you wa  that the 
Bi@ologoa1 Azt'vey ha now raised a small izd t*ob 
divided up aong a n~umber of agrioa2l*uwa1 ooU.e for 
you might -be in on this. 
         I hte no hear what othor instetVx*na mir 
gtting the   ftd. Certain     t wold be too bad 
tf this kind ofa 9sstem wre started and th    obae 
to sart a    ehen study w   not wade part of th 
                      Twar, sinarly 
                              Ald~o Laeppold 
                         In Mage Gaem Reearch 