The scientific staff of the Department of Zoolog# of the 
University of Pittsburgh is already familiar with the necessities of 
the study and is therefore able to direct the work. A well trained 
graduate student in zoology could be assigned to this task. His com- 
pensetion should be equivalent to that of a graduate assistant in the 
UniveiAty -- ?700.00 (plus tuition). During the time that he was 
renegaed in this study he would be working toward a higher graduate 
deg'oe vnd should be permitted to submit his findings on the game 
birds as a thesis. Arrangements shotld also be made for this worker 
to personally collect the needed birds in various parts of the State. 
Sb:*)ping the birds to thc laboratory might introduce unknown and dis- 
turbing factors into their metabolism that might be reflectdd in the 
                                         Respectfully subniitted, 
                                         Robert T. Hance, Head 
                                         Department of Zoology 
March 1, 1935 