   OFFICE or 
                                           March 4, 1947 
     Prof. Aldo Leopold 
     The University of Wisconsin 
     424 University Farm Place 
     Madison, Wisconsin 
     Dear Aldo: 
                     As you will recall, we saw the effects of supplying

     phosphorus to the cattle on part of the King Ranch where there is a

     mineral deficiency in the soil. It occurred to us later that probably

     their deer were also availing themselves of sone of this material. 
                     Upon returning I discussed the matter with members of
     staff and suggested we make scme experiments to determine whether our

     deer might be benefited if some of the same mineral element was made

     available to them. I then wrote Val Lehmann for more information, and

     am pleased to attach a copy of his letter of February 17th. 
                     Our Mr. McDowell has been instructed to follow the 
     matter up further, but it occurred to me that probably you would 
     like to have your people in Wisconsin make some experiments along 
     the same line. 
                     I also discussed similar experiments with Pete Hoff-

     master of Michigan and he requested more information. Copy of this 
     letter is going forward to him today, 
                     Please keep us fully informed of any developments. 
                     With best regards, I am 
                                           Cordially yours, 
                                        Seth Gordon, 
SG iG                                 Eceoutive Director 
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