Let me cite a few of many changes now passed, or in passing, on 
which you can sharpen your wits, and yet feel such interest in doing 
so that it will seem like play rather than work. 
     Fifty years ago ducks in large numbers, many wild geese, and 
occasional swans wintered in the waters near Fort Stockton. Now only 
a few ducks winter here, but no geese or swans. Why? 
     Twenty years ago the Upland or Rocky Mountain plovers on their 
Southern migration, spent 10 days in September with us. Do they do 
so now, and if not why? 
     Fifteen years ago September brought here a great number of Swallows

to flit from church roof to telephone wires for 10 days or more. They 
come no more. 
     When did the English sparrow make its appearance here? From what 
     What is the story here of the Russian Thistle? 
     ,The Pecos River is now almost hidden by the shrub called by some 
Monterey Cypress. What is the story of its coming? 
     Then you might give attention to the wild pea vine end alfilaria; 
are they gaining or losing in this country? 
     The Government is n ow making a determined fight to exterminate the

wolf, wildcat and prairie dog. What will be the effect on our Country? 
     Irormer years both banks of our beautiful Comanche Credk.were 
fringed with the cat-tailed rush (Mexican "Tule") from its head
some 5 miles, making a border of close growth some 6 to 10 feet high. 
The plant is almost extinct along that border. How did that change 
come about? 
     These are only a few questions out of many along this line, and 
they have often a practical bearing on the future of our County. Can 
you find any more useful practice in preparing yourself for the problems

that will meet you in later life than by studying these problems? 
Studying them. you will be getting a preliminary training at home that 
cannot be bettered by any College curriculum in foreign parts. And if 
you have an essay or a thesis to write where will you find subjects to 
work on better than those, which I have suggested, and which will call 
you into new fields "and pastures fresh?" The little story above
out of a name in use with us has been written in the hope that you will 
turn your youthful energies into a search for other, and more interesting,

stories of our part of the earth, which lie waiting for you or some other

parties to uncover. 
                                   0. W. Williams 