File                              Copies to Redington 
                                               01 in 
                     February  1930 
,. $, M. b1ss 
'bit$ Tsg has                      h          ba  impresse 
a the   exitin o  wtedge  r of bohcottona a of     rbbit 
eservts io t q.4 stLon ether stla egar  to US possible reato of 
rbbitste. cam bird or regard to rabbit   s a t a Soe~ reore I in. 
loimt I           iso  Ist @o OtI. #11      s        t 
XMI     the s i        off bhtl             4 
Is         Gr ous to psm1 ot t   resolto %Lvgi4o the  f iol1 
srntlu       s1s eihe Is r,    to the theb2 iat os 9 
Sbbth  toe ,son bis o I       st to  btLt-.  |       j 
  .5. t              wathe v     . 
gis1o Ruiy to conids    st   of rabbtsde r the R woseey 
Xear Sill, an  sugesting parllel rabbit studies in Canad.      I wa 
aske to see you. persnoally to present the arigwots in favor of this 
sugestion. I tried to do this. but by th  tins I had gottenaroun 
to It I found you. had left tows. Carlos Avery now r~ests that I 
pre~set the a&pm~t M* wal as possibl by mai. 
        Th C&adianIconcrus, primarily the as.nows     rabt    You 
are familiar, of cours, with the various Canaian authouities wh 
-e  in wind. the existseas of a popuation cycle In snowshe rabbits. 
in mySm  survy of Wisconsin I found that this cycle coincided 
qu11. strongy with the grose cycle, but %bat the severty of vtrgo 
1eno of the cycle seme to vary a ge~at d~ between localit ies. 
Th  first r"*stioa I wol mak      t the aie& of an b$.irto  iea
in Canada todtermine the extent to which the snomhos rabit eycl 
is #ot~si&Ita in scope and to uht extent the seveitty an vrlfe 
of the eyele varies as bstvon eg ions and 1..4lti~s.     I know that s*m

  wor hs bees dose an thIs, lpt as aavrly as I an aware  not *novg  hee 
beenston to presenta pitu"~ of eitho# Caad or the Units& States-

a **I*. 
        Cozt~rwOus with such an bistorica        stud t~ew should be 
o~lmously in both countriesa   stuies of te living rabbit to doterain 
*.at diseases and paraitesr     prev~alent and s*ieb ons e.    to *&us

thaevoylo. In this connetion I wout call your attentios to the fact