PULLMAN, WASHINGTON 
Jxpn_ ua ben o-nn 7lý. l   : t  1 ,t irvý ! es,   t'is ic zii
ne11 s, to 
we even tJO,;t it iIv            t1 t            tont ago. isu 9oft 12 t
a rd nt in 
the, h-odog t'cal      ury for ed"iti  'ill   e itr e    ,nce soon as

an Oreon Colleg   Bulletin. 
     Bobite~ iai!i ar    also 1uc ! ore  obie inr oon in      iy 
                        0~                      els ohr t covey, 
coissonl i&v~ng foua' niles ii'a da  ccrin to   inerso. *h      i sity
o' t'. Ln renl- 
strato!,n area ha e½ uraise fi roi one~ )hf   f~t hr a0    t 'C  -t
'ra: r :t of tbout a phe.sant o     0 'cres. 1ineron ca it   to VJ   i  t

Buat  Y pointing to about  t :1a ornts per acre shortly 7fter t 1  ,itroduction.

etur*ning to  obilit$ of Thewsnts th ere. inVntion oere .. to lti       fact
BoJ md c-ver 'Lai    ood Lnuu, h so thet th cirds -ustt ai t ell  
as to styi in one loc lity. Thisimyres a es me as no expln,nt on t a11. Ein~-sonhs

      n -ot ½n  ri.n bu by aAnalogy it msth b semi mi½tor 
  out here. t *,t 
tha itoc 1 csorIDtsmnfl are biht in asc-ifin  the  clie of     hish on 1i
   d 1 J-a4  t 
miration._ Have you seen any Or gon eagles lat lj? ..... nin  or the cr ne
      Your" letter a' me th~is mornirg before t is   in aile B  o 1
 i all  B  li~ttle 
  de~tail as r ~rds the situation here. n ther eting anday      iir.  i1lia
n ush, 'as oioro.l 
  irector for thje urvey nade the an ouocenent ralutive to  V fu urit inre
  by another nsgn. All were uaprised, including in. Mc Kenney . e   oubts
that Rush 
  h ad the conract information, but if7 1 kro' ush at 'll ha Bdid else0 xouif
not } v 
  soken. Couch, a-lthough in te ot't   tin  it wee '  as " maot present.
 e hear  thith 
  ,as called to arhirgton. My} guess is t fat Dr. 3e1l acted on hs o' init
> ive in 
  sending icenne here under onders to t4ke ovr, aDr. Gabnior not in 1 0 1in-ton

  at th time. 
        ~ngS are wor king out  ery mi'-cbly now that 1 h'v   ad  my position
  although iHc~hnuey st ill thinks that the only w"uy 3r r',ch 1 could
poss ibly ½'  t 
  ir the remserch prog~ram is to becomea  rvey emlIoye     iav'rng c ome
ou  here 
  ,11t                                                      tehi nelr 
  ge away fro     puel  admminifr'-tive game mnuri ent '1 hawy so >esire
t) ta  over the 
  gnit. Thero vrlo l b   soe   'y of making possible[>rtici
tin r se'ch   ro rai 
  'iP r mi   on tbe e 1' star". 
      bhile ae have>  f'ull mci  de ir 'nd *ug'-rians nvesi'ati ion  nov
1"     ii  h 
 it ill have to develo   slowl  , selling each thing uc want to do to   n.
 cdauley as 
 ne go. At pr-sent 11; h   no idea' just what specificr       ..chend ar
 involved. I  ill 
    kjp ro  posted on major tireds. 