drers are now employed who devote 
their entire time to speaking at pub- 
lic meetings on Maryland's wild-life 
          resouces.Dr. C:ý 
                  ______of the 
resources.         NOMIN       TE'l      Dr. the 
                                      C as wbeer 
SPORTSMEN TO                            ork of 
                       iiORSlE TOof that st 
                                       Dr. Jan M 
       FOR STATE COMMISSION            drowned L 
                                       Game Prot 
Kentucky Game and Fish Ad-               Among i 
   ministration to Be Directed         uance of 
   By   Sportsmen's    Organiza-       on whicr 
                                       done dur 
   tions--First State to Enact         bureau- 
   Such a Law.                         study of 
                                       fish. Eý 
  Hereafter the organized sportsmen of includ 
Kentucky will have a voice in the se-   condiF 
lection of members of the state game    ponddi 
and fish commission. By the terms of   sanit 
an act passed by the recent legis-       the 
lature tne memoersmp of We c*ir-uu- 
sion has been increased from four to 
five, appointments to be made by -the 
governor from a list of six names to be 
recommended to him by the Izaak 
Walton League of the state, the Ken- 
tucky Fox Hunters' association and the 
Kentucky Game and Fish Protective 
  One member is to be appointed at 
once, two on June 12 and the other 
two at the expiration of the terms of 
two  of the present commissioners, 
Messrs. W. H. Fields and T. B. Watts, 
in June, 1932. In case the associations 
named in the law make no recommen- 
dations the governor is authorized to 
make the appointments without. The 
terms of the commissioners are to be 