                     Ottawa, Canada 
                                        June 7 1932 
 Mr. Aldo Leopold, 
 905 University Ave., 
 Madison, Wis. 
 ear Mr. leopold;- 
                   I am chagrined at seeing how long your letter 
of May 25th has remained unanswered. 
      My opinion that Hungarian Partridge and Sharp-tailed 
Grouse were incompatable was more the result of a hunch  than 
definite investigation, but I have seen nothing as yet to 
seriously modify my views. My data if not scientifically detailed 
and I have not been out west for a number of years to make 
personal observations. My information is all more or less indef- 
inite and loose . In many localities the Oharp-tail has come 
back more or less from the last low point but I have yet to 
hear of any place where the Hungarian Partridge is established 
that the Sharp-tailed high is at all comparable with the highs 
of previous times. The species onrnits upward cycle has come 
back but not as strongly as it should. This is eaactly as would 
be expected were the species antagonistic. Until some tollerance 
can be built up between them , a possible but doubtful eventualty,