Mr. Wallae B. GrAnce   -y1 
Tivision carrying on work on wild life investigations and gam problems. All

of them intend to contine as far at least as their V.A. degrees, and some

contemplate going on for their Ph.D. dgrees. In any case none of them will

have completed his work here before the next school year. It is, therefore,

perhan s too early to do mob about permanent employFan t at this time. but
want the Survey to know that we hve these men, all of them Intensely interested

in this work and anxious for positions in the Purvey or in closely related
preferably in the Survey. Faec  of these fellows is a graduate in forestry
has,. in a"ition, special training in the Zoological and Ftanioal sciences.

I have taunt them all I know; that Isn't much but it's a lot more than I
when I started my own investisti   s.   I am wondering If there Is any possibility

of temporary emploMnt dring the smmer for iny of these fellows. They have

all had two or more year- experience in ner work with the Federal or State

Forestry Service, and all 4f thei can ro bac   to that type of work this
but they iould rather accept les pay in work such as the 1urvey is vdain
order to obt-in additional exvrienee. Any advice or sugeestions you can 
offer along this line will be greatly appreciated by all of us. 
          The third point is relative to my own future prospects. 7)u can
imagine how I would hate leaviwg here with the Sraluate and undergraduate
Foing as it is, oith the field work In its present satisfactory stage, an&
various other projects we have under way or in prspect. Nevertheless I cannot

continme up to June I (when the Fellowship expires) in complete ignorance
what I am goine to do thereafter. to far I have been unable to find out any-

thing about future possibilities for myself here. In case I do not stay here
wonder what my chances are of aecuring an appointment in the survey. I under-

stand there is an investigative poition opsn in 11tah with headquarters at
I believe you know how Lillian and I feel about ll;in" in Utah. There
is no 
place on earth we would rather be than In )gden. I can safely say that I
the State of Utah and Ito wild Iifa, both plant atnd animal, as well as its

geography and reology better than I know any other state not even excluding

          If I should have to leave here there is no place I would like so
as Utah, and I believe there Is no place where I could use my knowledLe to
advantage. I believe I could furnish references from men both here and there.

My graduate work will be completed to the point by June 1 so that T coul-
my degree next year even thou& I was not in residence at the ITniveraity
In fact it will all be done but the passing of one langua-e exarinatlion
and the 
writing of my thesis. 
          I would very mh appreciate your opinion on these matters and any

suggestions you can offer. If you think I should write other mebers of the

Survey on any of the points I have mentioned pleaze let me know. I am sending

Mr. Leopold a copy of this letter. Let me any again that I sincerely hope
will see you and and him shortly. I hop. you can b:ot be here sometime within

the next two monthe. 
                                      Sincerely yours 
                                      -S.A.A..I. Fellow - Univ. of Kinn.

Jpmuary 11 1932