II. B. 7972 
    practice of forestry in this state, defining forestry, providing 
    for the control of fires in the woods, providing for the state 
    park and permanent game refuge fund, a fish         propo- 
    gation   fund, and   bounty   fund, and    a   game   pro- 
    tection   fund,   providing   for  the   appointment    of 
    a superintendent of fish, game and forestry, wardens 
    and other employees, providing salaries therefor, providing 
    payment of expenses thereof and for the administration of 
    state parks, state game refuges and fish hatcheries, abolish- 
    ing the office of state game and fish commissioner and pro- 
    viding for the transfer to the state fish, game and forestry 
    commission of all the powers and duties heretofore con- 
    ferred by law upon the state game and fish commissioner. 
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:

         Section 1. That sections 11943a, 11943b, 11943c, 
 2   11943d, 11943e, 11943f and 11943g, en~tled "Agriculture, 
 3   state board of: Providing for a department of forestry," 
 4   approved May 4, 1925, and found at pages 109 to 112, both 
 5   inclusive, laws of Missouri, 1925, also sections 5563, 5564, 
 6   5565, 5566, 5567, 5568, 5569, 5570, 5571, 5572, 5574, 5575, 
 7   5576, 5577, 5578 and 5580 of article 1, chapter 37, Revised 
 8   Statutes of Missouri, 1919, relating to fish and game, be 
 9   and  the  same   are  hereby   repealed  and  twenty-one 
 10  new   sections  enacted   in   lieu  thereof,  pertaining 
 11  to  the  establishment   of  a   state  fish, game   and 
 12  forestry commission, to be known as sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 
 13  6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 
 14  and to read as follows: 
         Section 1. There is hereby created a state fish, game 
 2   and forestry commission, and there is also hereby created 
 3   the office of state fish, game and forestry superintendent, 
 4   which commission shall be vested with the powers and duties 
 5   specified in this act, and also all powers necessary and proper