Oct. 12, 1931 
Mr. J. R. rqmnd 
Royal Ontario Mae= of Zooloq 
3loor Streat aMd Av~emi Road 
Toronto, 5, Ontario 
Dear Mr.   on: 
              3eowae of Mr. Leopold's absence on field 
wor)lc in ow.7. I am aamwldging your letter of October 9. 
              I &some that the pub2iation ym  refer to 
is Mr. Leapeld's BRort on a lme   urve of the Wor  OCetral 
States," and I awbvn   two copies of it sent you. 
              I m also sending you 
rerrints of several. of Mr. Leopold's 
gm   maaeet ad am patting yaur 
to receive tuture rworints. 
imer 3eparate eowe 
recont yublic-tions on 
name down or- 0our list 
Tourq sincerely, 
3Secretary to Mr. Leopold