Marc 5,1930 
Major Li , Y ., Waller, Jr. 
Dear Majors 
           Th  4011m5 in gam  t*A In Pensylvania is mot 
    lioyAat firs and mvr-crsin    b7 doo. Of eousns, this 
Is sorely a long distance conjeoturo.   m.n * shot distin. 
Ono, hbswov, Is a conjeture basaus ?eaeyl~vania bas not 
yet fo~und out what the gofoos are, &is was clearly abov    % 
Dailey's report on the doer situation. 
           I thin Mr. V~am   would m   a mstaeti to toy 
private subscriptions for such a gemevali~so ventur as a 
forest biologist. Private sub~sewipion &   only su~Abe for 
very speeiflo and relatively short time project*,, I sees 
reasaa *7q he sb*mLd give up the original idea of. obtainlqg a 
Con~rossim1a apprpWiat ioa fow puhing the Msb~onoy Bi11 proo 
Jost, and if 3.M Davis can revive this Ids&, it will be woft 
ing in the right diretios. As I told y^% 3t.44ddI no* mt 
and mor othuuiastio about the Mcoweny Bil1 project at Malsill, 
                           Youts, sincerely, 
                           ALDO LRQPOLD 
                       In Obanes 0r~ ft