Copy to Mr. Locke 
                                               "low Soils 144dng 
                                               October 31, 1934 
 It. Hrold C, Bryast 
 National Park Service 
 W~ashiingtt.n D. C. 
 Dear Haold: 
          This to to MAW- you Of th poosibility of providing 
 through a possible OCC formanship on one of the National Parks 
 for Mr. George L. Girard, of the University of Vyoming, Tazaie, 
 who has started the Wg hen stady under Dr. Scott. It is my 
 'understanding that funds have plaed out for travel, and w one 
 ea got   ahere in this kind of wor without moving around. 
          I have corresponded vith Girard and he sounds good, 
and Dr. Scott seems to have confidenco in him. If the study could 
be kept oing, It would, of cmurne, have great strategic value in 
the devlo~   at of u      ent researah. It could be kept going 
either by Girard having a Job on wh*ch he could got ahead and 
then rpply his sayings to the work, or a Job in which he could 
actually prosecute the work incidentally to some other dutiss. 
          I aaw t personally vouch for Girardls qaleificattons, 
but you doubtless have plenty of mn near there who could pass on 
him, msh as lArIe of Jackson's 'Tole. 
          Barr7 Lcke nd I have been jointly pushing this project, 
so I am taking the liberty of sending him a olpy of this letter. 
                          Tours sincerely, 
                                   Aldo Leopold 
                             In Charge, (ram Renerroh