Articles Completed to date. 
          1. Methods Employed in an Investigation of Michigan's 
State Game Refuge System. Submitted to Journal of Forestry, 
          2. The Utilization of a Bird Dog in Wild Life Investi- 
gation. Accepted by American Forests and Forest Life. 
          5. The Use of Pole Traps on Game Refuges and Wild Life 
Sanctuaries. To 'be submitted to Bird Lore. 
          4. A New Method of Preparing Mole Skins. Submitted to 
Popular Science Monthly. 
          5, Breeding Habits of Townsend's Mole, To be submitted 
to The Journal of Mammalogy. 
          6. Breeding Habits and Economic Relations of the Delles 
Pocket Gopher. Journal of Mammalogy, Feb, 1S30. 
Articles Under Preparation. 
          1. Factors Determining the Distribution of the Ring- 
Necked Pheasant in Southern Michigan. To be submitted to Ecology, 
          2. Breeding Habits of the Skunk. To be submitted to 
the Journal of Mammalogy. 
          3. A Method of Making a Quantitative Game Bird Census. 
To be submitted to The Auk. 
          4, Max Berry, Conservation Expert. (Personality Sketch 
of a Bird Dog.) To be submitted through the University of Michigan 
News Service to the American Magazine. 
          5. Animal Relations on a Wild Life Sanctuary. To be 
submitted to Nature Magazine. 
          6. Refuge and Sanctuary Improvement. To be submitted 
to the Bulletin of the American Game Protective Associations. 
          7. Methods Employed in Making an Intensive Investigation 
of a Wild Life Sanctuary. To be submitted to the Journal of Forestry. 
H.M. Wight.