Aug. 21.1931 
1111. Werner 0. 7,~e 
Colwnblia. Missouri 
Dear MY. Nlagal 
          T --ý ver~y 4a11,d Indeed to hear thait you h ve amrnged

to get ont your material through the University. 
         On of the resons "hy this job rill be 7orth74hille 
is because It is so execin-ly dliffim-lt.     I corastier t n:. 
as Mira as the !eiantlifc facts whi~ic nrst unelrlie it. 
         After you have so~ethinT conrete to attac myM-, 
go7stions to. 1 -7111 be very gladl to be of aý hel-p tha.t I 
  cnIn for-waHInp your nrnject. 
                              Tours, sincerely,, 
                                     AL17Og LT70110LY