424 Uzivorsity Farm flao 
Jamary 5, 1939 
DLvis.on of Wildlife Maagossut 
Mr. D. A. MSaeIXIlc 
Algonquin Paxk P.O. 
Ontario, aa@U, . 
Dear Mrt. XeLuli 
          I have not previously had a chane to read t ref112 
your flustations in ftbers of the Varying Hare," I have a" 
gone through it and feel impelled to tell you of W pleasure ina 
findting such an awellent jlob. 
          Thor* ar. two men in pWticilxrwh~om 
have read It-XLooamt wing ZAt Wall~aa Grange. 
cOO~$4 Of this letter to reind. then.. 
I want to make unto 
I am wonidng them 
          The fat that you take issue with the findines of a'self 
and students makes your -work all the more Interesting. I think you 
have pretty well refted m    of our conolusions *ept oaen   you 
do mot sufficiently mrplaia the tendswW toward qbronais over 
large areas. Xltoni, I Sather, now thinks that eson egr~ee of syr 
cbromion might occur even writhout a "osmic agent." Do you? At

your leisure I would be interested In your c    ton this partiular 
          You state at one point that the cottontail Is not kownto 
share the snowshoe cycle. In zW opinion thq' have very closely' 
followed snowshoes in Wisconsin duirng the last yeole, and both are 
now low in this state. It is   -ssling, howver, that cottontaile 
are especially hi&  in the tier of states ie4iatty to the sout 
          What are yo doing at the present time? 
                            Sincerely your, 
                                    Aldo Lepld 
*h                         Prof essor of Wildlife ~Mawwat