Kaibab Deer Herd Reduced.--The "Forest Worker," published
by the Forest Ser- 
vice, in January. 1932, gives the following results of the 30-day deer-hunting
son on the Kaibab National Forest, Ariz., which began on October 16, 1931,
and dur- 
ing which hunters carried away 879 deer: "State licenses permitting
the holders to 
shoot one deer each were issued to 980 hunters, of whom 771 were residents
of Ari- 
zona and 157 were from California. The plan agreed upon by the United States
Service and the Arizona Game and Fish Commission required that every hunter
at a central checking station and be assigned to a hunting camp, and that
he return 
to this camp each night. Hunting of does as well as of bucks was permitted.
When a deer 
that was very poor, badly shot up, or apparently diseased was brought to
camp it was 
condemned and the hunter was given permission to shoot another, Deer condemned
this way numbered 41, and 45 dead deer were found on the range that were
believed to 
have been killed by hunters. No hunting accidents were reported." 
          1'                            -30-.