i±~~it~ awmhs twtrt -:4) nl ter, 4xr", ma"t ~~ ?~ 
 n- wt rot ,r lyrwa toll VT th-t     TO&M Y   is) oiu of thoome. 
 Ure are otbars but the awly, In being Mnily ues4 V. 'fmy 
 ro~m the 3V--,aof lo~iwfrpm     I vL4 b4M T-~to be of tsrvtoo if 
           L t  U to -,I tbt an agrlaxgturm1 ml    tetimt  -a 
  _uei   4t toýa ,;,n:wet of U3tahrA as -,ll au    t of 
  g~  ~~      A* rwaIr as I I.-nv the only boýX if oIuisw. 
     ut-,,    in drit eolleat.d ter Vw ?mt '.(rlm  wl m 1 w 
liwv K 7-r th t to fro flMlWn tbe b~ll. I  mv~~  -e~tnt Vvt th rWw to 
start Is to InArumwts a mt4e of We hintoy st4aioa of Utah *i.te.s 
           .,A bot       q lmW the toadive of ,mt"vt errAd 
itur'. 4" -v~~aid      I v, InOtt-pn flw*M-uTh !,tm In charg 
of Ul-    i re '14 L.                           43T~* ~ ~ I~ o thils 
   0Ai)tfl7 zile ~ , ynu   no lmbt uilre Ay In twt ,ýith h"s

         by   tl'or-  A),      '