Dr. Von"y Raldwia bWardy5,1 
         It to or hope that In a reasonable tine we can have 
a Ty   invstigtion gjoilU 14 evey    tieR of the SOUth DhewiU 
41fferout ontions      that thems T   I investigations will be 
Sby          a su ffioient n b e r of Ty 11 d o t on 
pove the feasibility of  eoying gane manment wetbods to 
the Irase of the quail crop. 
         eooless to may  this type of wok has bee goti on 
sc   a short time that we cnot oredit resultte an      therefre  re 
abstaining from all forms of p*ubiity* No woiul much zrefer to 
publish and capitalize on ach ivents after the fact an not before. 
         I thought that you would be intereste   in kowing that 
this type of work was going on an hence, this rather lengthy letter. 
ncildentally I say say that L      4ld is quite ethusati    and believes

that these demostration will be )rodueti  v  of results. 
         Jobs 1411, cur fiel4 wan tn your area, wh    yeu net at 
Chicago has interest*4 some Illinois s,"rton in the ?ys II 
sort of demonstration, and one 3f these may oe pt a     in the State 
of Illinois uner the superisiew of bZiltn, as this would be a 
little far for either Stoddard or Gr~c to muteroi in connection 
with the others. This Illinois ooject Is at the present time merely 
in the formative stage. 
         With beet wisheos  an 
                             ost   oyours# 
                                Drector of Consrvation. 
Na So 1931,