4$21 Chemsitry Buildin 
                                         Deebr12, 1929. 
c/o D Pot Cpaqw, 
702 loo u. Ud~ing, 
Seattle, Washingto.a 
Dear MU., ?ry 
         Dr.  oAt*s f the Bioloial Svy tells me that Prfsess 
Lfftnwsll ha a studet who we w         oan bulbs and go r w 
migt pssibly be sitable material for o     of the qu    Poleowships 
4ecribed4 i the attache4 Prsps.     I 4. not have Professor 
Leffinwsll's adrss, hoese  I amw wrting y to ask wether y 
oul4 onveaieatl   see ha or write him sending him this prospectu 
mn aki    him for e  s of studets w   migt be quialifid. Incident- 
ly, I woul like 4 have yo   sxwia  the Popectus in case you have 
not seen It alma4. Th maps ar rther ezpeasive to reprdc so 
that uness yo or Pofsessor effin   ll hav patilar ned of it, 
I would appreiate its        . 
         I me vYe  gla4 to have your letter of Noember 30 ad to 
note the energetic wa in which you have Cones i~nto the collection of 
inforation.  I hoe#, of ooum, that this activity ill be eatliely 
woth while for you for its ow sa   o s.   well as beig useful to me 
whenIget to yoursection. Thedateofqmyvisit is still,1a ln 
way in the futu e since it has been  eide  to finish  the North 
Oearel bloek of states ad publish a rport on them oro proceedin 
on an considerable *=als elsewhre. 
         With best egards 
                               Your*s incerely, 
                               ALDO LEOPOL,, 
                               In Oharge, Oe hye 
mecated by Mr. Leopold but 
signed during his absmene to 
avoif delay..