                             SoUlTEmN HARDWOODS 
     DRY KILNS                                                         DIMENSION
                                   SAVANNWAH,     EOGtt4G.A 
                                       March 30, 1934 
                Professor Aldo Leopold 
                University of 'isconsin 
                Madison, ',isconsin 
                Dear Aldo: 
                I have followed with a great deal of interest your journeys
                the public firmament the past few years and know nothing
of your 
                ability as a forestry or wild life protectionist but I do
know from 
                practical experience that you have plenty of ability in obtaining

                the public eye. Seriously, however, I wish to congratulate
you on 
                the wonderful work you have been doing. I am particularly
                in President Roosevelt's recent appointment of you on his
                Committee and the purpose of this letter is to call to your
                certain facts regarding this Southern Coastal section which
I think 
                you and your Committee should keep in mind. 
                My recollections of your career leads me to believe that
you are more 
                familiar with the West and Northwest than you are of this
                section. I have been down here for the last five years but
I can say, 
                even though I am a d--- yankee, that this section offers
more oppor- 
                tunity for the production of forest resources and wild life
than any 
                other part of the United States. The increment on Southern
pines as 
                you well know is from three to four times as great as most
other pines. 
                Natural reproduction on our pine lands is always assured,
if fires are 
                kept within reasonable control. A large percentage of the
total area 
                is typical forest land, even though large acreages are now
                cultivation or have been within the past few years, a lot
of this 
                agricultural land would be more productive in forest. 
                There is a real opportunity in this section, both for government
 buy N          private ownership, for intensive management of pine lands
for naval 
                stores production. The available stumpage for cupping has
been mater- 
  NRA           ially reduced the past five years, due to lack of vision
on the part 
                of operators in not controlling fires and turpentining trees
of small 
                size. It is my opinion that land which today can be purchased
in large 
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