IX~q  _kfaUMim~ref~nhalf of tb fam  hnnta VI tb. reportU 
phwa huter "we posted.   iafarmr w as      fbr the lztinr nrivil"

bY T-1 per ot of th reotý )&tls T par *amt alm oi   for boa~rd.

Tw-hid of the Mportli-4 -),t1.a ha made alvnearaxi-mtS  o 
peraisioa to mt. 
       1=T- h wtntar ',f 1193132 the field wardes mad a *am 
coat on .0m f~m Inad cmy an esizmAes on fm~ o~ther. Ths 
  een,*e  wriaA*i the ti r alreay f~~rb feyr piail e-" 
tht th- o-mo e  obtatned. b-ý saiklmr a crv of vAner  hor  h 
and far-tr, aerW on thq ce.     r.An. 1an, Yrl rod -,rvne 
~.ý-tti  Lh beat ditiution. but a total of 3ýQ - s w  ?oew-t~e~ss

*w.er4. Mr. 13 %hwt thi locatiOX.n iM th  b--fac of Thaat 
on and, in tem.f na~i -)o bird. "Yer -, an* ithr ars (marha 
ON on=a   eemm" for vail, brat "" Pun   toati no1hazn 
aM wstA before abomal winter cnctatn of hosnnadfre 
    '?L-- 13 is a tw cros setion of phasnt n--drethan Ti. 
to of quai, for tho h~ tha-fith~in the e5ta~ibj0 ra, (nrt of 
the ho~v lots) heaante are quite unfomv 1triao. toaly l27 j 
    FV,. V-1 pmeeta the con~uluin fr,-A mem.ar          ie 
for          T  osn ~~ 
    1. hoa of the -z40 famsexcee a nha~tia  ceIn lenzit~r Th 
-.a ikýwe lUt of b=1nea    raf  a=inql smstho.