Dr.Hor7 B. Ward 
September ?, I 
  levels. C   eits probably It Would be best, In the lon  run, to 
  as much water and mar-h as posiblo an accept whetver volunteer e    rowth*

  appear without spendin mu  tim  and money in trying to change the 
  around.  r. Fra k Q. blrose ot our ogan'lsatton is usaly well 
  aequainted with duck food plants under local eoAitions. 
           Gesee eae supposed to requre gavel on a well preteote  open 
 shore, or Islan. 
          (8) Wa~fw~otn          eSoting areas sui table, for certain 
 kinds of wate-twl     14 lvt4p.6 even thouh It is not likely 
 that substantal numers of birs will be        ed. Th most pmsing 
 bspeie 4areblov     twal, wood duck# soot, rails, greb.s, mallad 
       blak dck md  amwo oo**. Certain large uawsh7 areas. witha little 
 water suitable for fishing, might be pi      t              year 
 against public use. 
           The use of wood dck nest boxes is an effeotive way to 
 increase this species in places wher. trees with natuaal caviles 
           A pair of Canada goose is reported to have nes ted in the 
 MaOinnes Slouh Refue in 191p and D. Mileo D. flrwi. has had   on- 
 siderable seess with them at the Kellogg biWr Sanctay near iattle 
 Creek, ichigan. 
          The s8eetaelo valUe of' oderato numers of nesting waterfowl 
 to the visiting publie in this regton Is much greater than their *on- 
 tribution to the hAnters' kill. 
           (I) Tiative Flora and Fauna There should be no predator control

 of any kind exep~ t      -a- nd sate and, perhaps, the o  ry take of fur

          4hle god biologists may not sseribe to an    nquestioning 
 belief In a balance of nature". It to happens that most predator 
 control masures have either boen ftitle or, if effective,, have often 
 set up a scha of events that aggravate the eonditions they are Intended

 to orreet* %itness the attemts to impove fishing by destroying 
 animals that prey on youn  sh. Fth            b        nu     s a 
 are, so stunted throughincreased compe tition that fishing quaiekly 
 beces poorer than       e. 
          Visitors will try to visualize their project as a restord 
por tion of the historic old marsh. If there is too much evidenoo of 
the man-made and the man-manaad, the illusion Is lost. 
          For thee same reason   the Introduction of exotic plants 
and animals Is to be avoided. They lend an alr of artificiallty 
and introduce unknowns whose conequnnees are seldom predictable. 
          Above all things else to be avoided on the area, especially 
if It is to be open to the public, to the artificial propagation of gsame

or fish. The oontributions of this prastices to the kill of game and