414 Grand 
                                                   Lnramie, Wyo. 
                                                   Dec. 24, 1934 
 Dr. Aldo Leooold 
 In Charge, Game Research 
 Dent. of Agri., TT. of Wis. 
 Madison, Wis. 
 Dear Dr. Leonold: 
 I received your letter and I was glad that you liked the oictures. 
 I am enclosing the contents of my thesis. I have not yet started 
 to write it; I expect to start sometime this week. I believe in 
 about two or three years' time chanters 4, 5, 6, R- 7 could be 
 thoroughly covered. Of course I have spent    re ahaS one summer 
 gathering my material. 
 On Oct. 24, 1934, I took the only Civil Service Examination that 
 has been offered by the Biological Survey for a Junior Biologist, 
 subject, Systematic and Economic Zoolo-yv. I just learned that my 
 relative weight was I, and my average percentage rating was 95.00%. 
 I thought perhaps it would be advisable to be aualified with the 
 Biological Survey in case they would like to continue the study. 
 Would you su'g'gest this to Dr. Pell? 
 Such a procedure would insure me a salary anpr T believe that the 
 other exrenees could be met by selling stickers t nostcards on which 
 nictures of the same orouse were printed, etc. through interested 
 The neople in our western states now realize that something must 
 be done for the sage grouse and I am sure our sbortsmen and Elks 
 Clubs, etc. would be willing to purchase cards priced from $1 to 
 $lO. Of course there would be some expense in printing the cards 
 and some reliable institution would have to sponsor such a drive. 
 I have not yet discussed this plan with Dr. Scott or President 
 Crane because I h'ave not yet fully developed in my mind' the procedure

 I would like to follow. Then Dr. Scott is out of town at the oresent 
 time. I mentioned it to one of the leading Elks clubs in Idaho 
 and they were quite enthused with the idea. What is your opinion 
 on the matter, Dr. Teopold? 
 bould the completion of this study be used as a Doctor's thesis? 
 Dr. Scott has aporoved my study program for my master's degree, 
which is as follows. I have completed the first 18 hours.