pq* * 0, L, Giwaw4 
affoot We 'hens?   f so, how svrely?  To determie ths you will have to 
dig up historteal data on the chrnolgy of abunance and     6*woit, aMi 
oomare it with simiar data whic  I can fani~sh you from the other spoees%

          It is prbal   impratieable for ym to visit an of th gm 
researa projects vhr this line of 0mb     is being followe, but the U. So

Biological Sury has lon  intendd to place at the disposal of state 
institutions on ex  l   e man v~ can brn   to thos Institutions the latest

develo1pmnts f~ro other states. I would vgstthat Dr. Sctt apply to Mr. 
Di*1ing for an ocoauional visit from an experience gam manager 
           Ihoepyou will not constr  these w,-ostions as oitimlcl of 
us have had to make this zm switch in viewpoint in order to got at vital

conservation qastiO*ns 
                                    Yours sincrd~.y 
                                      in mage Gm    beseare 
July 21* 1934 
page P