A rope census which was made by Lehmann and Smith on about3' 
acres of prairie country from August 20 through August 26 revealed 126 -

prairie chickens (1 per 27.4 acres), 372 jackrabbits, 6 cottontail rabbits,

124 quail, 679 meadow larks, 24 sparrows, 34~ mouraing doves, 14 killdeer,

4 redwinged blackbirds, 5 great-tailed grackles, 2 Swainson hawks, 1 cara-

cara, 67 swallows (bank and barn), 2 little blue herons, 7 snowy egrets,

13 scissortail flycatchers, 11 upland plover, 1 golden plover, 22 black 
vultures, 2 lesser yellowlegs, 2 greater yellowlegs, 2 solitary sand- 
pipers, 12 clapper rails, and 7 black-necked stilts. There were, in all,

1,539 birds and rabbits in the census area, or 1 to 2.2 acres.          