necessity of understanding of the prinolples of fish and 
game production in their work as land managers.  There 
ia an excellent opportunity for making training available 
for men undertaking to make a profession of work of this 
nature in the State Game Department. This would unques- 
tionably strengthen materially the service which the State 
would receive from its game department. This might be by 
direot training or correspondence or both.  There would 
be many opportunities for public education in a general 
way regarding the practical management and economic relatioup. 
ship which should govern game administration. 
        Research work and studies contributing to the man- 
agement of the fish and g&me resouroes are divided among 
several branches such as botany, biology, zoology, etc. 
A department which could direct such investigations along 
the lines most needed and make the results available would 
be of definite assistance. It could act as a contact 
point between the various branches in which the investiga- 
tions should be carried on and the agencies in charge of 
the management. It was my understanding that work of this 
nature was contemplated at the University of Minnesota and 
University of' Wisconsin. 
        Along the line of the biological aspeots thea might 
well be made available scholarships offered by such agencies 
as the Associated Arms and Ammunition Manufaoturers which have 
been now placed at the Universities of Minnesota and Wisoonsin, 
I am sure that Mr. Aldo Leopold, University of Wisoonsin, 
Madison, Wisconsin could give some excellent information on 
the general possibilities of such work. 
        In general, I feel sure that the full possibilities 
of production from the fish and game resources of the state 
oan not be realized without considerable scientific work rind 
that there is a fine field for service here by the State 
Agricultural College which will be much appreciated in the 
near future. 
                                      S. B. LOCY1E 
                                  Regional Forest Inspector. 
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