'eportz from the ýxvan  daitrbat are agin uneni     nus t t 
birwd tre  oz2e nup1r'ut thn Leut too ts five ye;_w,    .&0in 
tW  npreiea this - ap~LS to i oInrr of their abuWdance i" the 
rial1ard, pi"wil, Aore Muebilsl un ri neer  but ewer baid- 
yeae  nn wid eon. GreenwIng teal have beex about th, sae for 
Uhe past sevewr l ye1sa. I h wlear lKk S lub estooite- n   a 
WirAs on the WC this )eVr ýs tie Kst 1hre seasons .ut 
woether. WCe lane reporta 0or. bWlldate 'I- wlgeon t0 n 
inat year but the awea as a whole Se. s to he &cort OT t in, 
'no4dsuoku are repocted Msnct quite "o ahnWant. 
        Thest sonl tine reports hAve ,e t Arom ohe hErEC' dis- 
tlrct ut tk nortk end of the river.  "POently   oere :ere 
,ore birda at the beginuing of the seawon than last year but 
t e    bex laer on nos off. It is  crcn.rly Ccnoewim Vt; 
the malads w~re wore mx rona but taWkin t.he season as a 
wole the  Wbn.r or birds ar(A-und woxn Juct about equal ist 
year which soe report ,     the be=t in the pst ten years. 
Oodduoka were reporte, at wOre waVertn., Phe    rliter beieves 
fro  the reports -t.V in is sae so any that mallard are aore 
numrous than last year aqn Ant oprig,, arid both teol are 
abt the    we a  last year. ipparen~ly bluebills werv eort 
0oot have nOt bee US a!ndant s last Yar. 
    Taking the territory aa W whale 1o2tinv -as excellent up 
until about Koveuber Lb. FLroa hý.t tim  o" ther was prrtilc
ao   cotin.  Ohe birs were f edMn; aý niht and rittinp in 
the open water1 uin  tie dsy. Phe reUo  for ;wzth iQ attribut d 
to the ull noon so that it A. Litt enoug. for the birds to 
see to fted at nigrhb This eplarnation may be true or it tay 
also be tlat the birdi are eMh ing tWeir habits swomnt as 
a result of the constant uLootinCr. The field pens wit a few 
enceptions have had little or no shootin   this cwn as wr    t x 
o'itions Pave not beon Avowrie to the birds woing into 
the fields 4urin the day. 
    Another concentration point in ll1inois for ducks and geese 
WLcI in lmei    of inwreasin iortanoe is  orseshoe L~ e near 
0aNo In the extreme aouthern part of tIe *ite, The lace iL 
in the Lh e of a hor. e ehuOv awd the i  alad in the cwnter of 
it kas bLen naade into ; refLe Sy the stat*. Tis island is 
abot 00 au.c, n4 n 1w   ned to wheat and grans to aft rat 
and hola ygese. it is eWiated tt there ar. Dotween 1  ,00A 
1"a 4O,oC Ceee cIeonctrated at thiQ spot and the nuber      i 
incre~ainL every yeIr. They are all Usnade geese. The outside 
of the l1.e i nurnunded by farwo w ich Lave been wrned into 
da   hootina pLaces.  bout 4000 geese will be Kiii'd here 
  "a aeexi. .iuero re aup itely eig:teen ahoutin, ince- 
arouad the outsine of the Lka. Waks are  leo  uncentx'ated 
in t,01 dintrict. The writer *aw a pny birds here a5 at 
4ny one sapot on thu 1l0lnoi iver. ne u0ornin0 t:e vnitr