New soils uildig 
                                                     Deceber 13, 1933 
Mr. Royes Lloy 
Departent of the Interior 
National Parks of Canada 
Ottawa, Ontario 
Dear Naysot 
          he papr on )iologioal %this" nsaturally intrigues my interet,

but you failed to tell me whore I mm find it. Wi1l you please lt mu 
know, so I cen look It up promptly? 
          I am not t all sure that you would belon  in the gllery at the

gathering hih you    ention. In fact, I would say quite definitely that 
you are tarred with the  me sti. 
           Thwks for the infomtion on the cycle. which I am csrefully 
 filin for periawnt record. Our Wisconsin gvonne bepan to die off last 
 umer and we lost one or more spectes over probably a third of the state

 before winter set in. Aparently we are distinotly ahead of g*ehole as 
 a       with both Canaa and the a4jolnlw state of Vichigan. wich has 
 lost nothing but rabbits so far. In Mimiesota I am alnost sue that nothing

 but rabbits has disappeared, although I have not heard directly from Dr.

           I am glad to tell you that a gronp of    nrt fron  enosba, 
 Raine and Kilwsea   have just subscribed a fund to be available over a 
 three-year period for a field study of the q'elo in this #ate. Wallace 
 Grange goes to work en embr 15 to record systemtioafly the manner in 
 which the Vale spreads over Wisconsin.  Ts field study ought to be a 
 valuable adjut to the studies under wa by Dr. Green and by the Canadian

            I will be unablo to attend the G  Qouferoeo this year due to

 the fact that 1he chsnged date falls right in the middle of a heaviest 
 class schedule, and I have no altern~ates to whom the courses can be left.

 I may take a try at writing the lessn. but do not rely on it because I have

 no vy of being sre that the eseary inspiration will be fo 
            With beet rogards, 
                                               Touxrs sincerely, 
                                                  ALDO IZoPOD 
                                                    Gam  -aae 
 Copy to Harrison 7. LewiC