-  Erofessr Aldo eeopold. 
           Ahything you may develo in the next few yenrs along the line 
you plan to work will be of interest to me, and ! hope you will m     %m

put m. on your mailing list for bulletins, or advise me w en new things are
by your department so th t i may p-rchae them if they are not available free.

          (friend of mine is pra     g - book or thiepreface to a book on

  'r. Skinier' 'ho ws a gret sportsman  in"e yers g-o in      Ber-gles,

and Dachli,,uds. These little dogs, ire gre' huntrr, and in tracking rabbits,

f-nd running them do n .re wonderful sportsmen. The public could be interested

in that sort of sport anew, nd would perhaps be interested in assisting you
your plans. 
            I am bringing this clipping to his attention, and have some plans

for an article or two    " him on Beaglez  and hunting the Hare.  He
 told me 
th't several people introduced the English re, and the Germsn hare into 
this country, particularly into aryland a number of years ago, shortly 
after the Civil War ± believe, and Fthat of 1hte sonenne hts introduced
Jack Rab, it inm  to b  mmmtm    Nantucket island, I believe, and that 
they are having wonderful sport there with -eagles etc. 
            Mrs. Thomas Hitchcock'has a- pack of beagles which she uses to

hunt 'ack Rabbits She introduced to her estate at iken South Carolina. 
These beagles run down a jacEin an hour or two. It is gre t sport so 
a- told by 1r. arry "orcest-r Smith, my friend who ws master of Westmeath

in -reland in 1999 and 1915, nnd has been master of half a douen hunts here

in-merica, includinqg the Loudon in .irginia, anx the Gra1fton    ounds in

           Sport is a corrolary of your project, and if the entire community

gets behind yo u you will have wonderful success in your plans. 
           if Mr. Cmith can see m ideas in this I :m sure we will have some

good beagle stories in the press soon. 
tAft  G. A. M.