34 Grosvenor Avenue,OttawaCanada, 
                                    September 2,1931. 
Mr. Aldo Leopold, 
    404 University Ave., 
        Nat'l Bank Bldg., 
            Madison, Wisconsin. 
Dear Leopold: 
                   Your letter of August 13 and the publica- 
tions mentioned therein have been duly received. They should 
have been acknowledged sooner and your letter answered,but 
the current crisis in the supply of wild ducks has kept me on 
the jump most of the time since my return from Matamek River, 
and I have spent very little time in Ottawa. 
      I appreciate very much the autographed copy of the 
Game Survey and the reprints that accompanied it. Because I 
have been so busy with the duck situation I did not complete 
a review of the Game Survey as soon as I had hoped to,and the 
editor of 'The Canadian Field-Naturalist' informed me to-day 
that the October number is already in page-proof,so that he 
cannot run my review until the November issue. This is re- 
grettable but unavoidable under the circumstances and the re- 
view will appear in November. 
      Your copy of your paper on "Wilderness as a Form of 
Land Use" I have read with a great deal of interest and 
pleasure. It seems to me such an excellent presentation of 
much-needed views that I want it to be read by my chief,Mr. 
J. B. Harkin, so that it will be known to him when questions 
of administration and possible "development" of National 
Park areas are under consideration. This is one way in which 
it can affect the actual practice relative to wilderness 
areas, so I am venturing to hold it for a short time for this 
purpose,but shall return it soon. 
      My stock of copies of my paper on "The Philosophy of 
Wild Life Conservation" is low,but I am very glad to send 
you a copy for your files,though I am sorry that it is some- 
what the worse for wear. 
      Parenthetically,I may say that I now believe that an 
early exchange of letters between us,which,as you may recall, 
I thought related to this paperactually had to do with an