Lender, 1 yoialing 
                 Anril 5, 1940 
Jnder rtrif 
Dr. Also Leonold 
In Ch~r', G- e -ese±ch 
'. of   Sc. Co   e'e of Airi. 
2 d~son, isc. 
Dpr Dr. Leonold: 
You, no dcoubt, Ui l l e er -ie s the fellox° wo 
rrorked on a prelitain.ry l11e 1"'istory stdy of the 
ýe 7'rouee hich "-s published by the Uniiersity 
of 'yolin  acnd at the s'ue ti-e --s used es my 
mr'ster' thesis. 
For the -onst three and a half rears I h- e een 
Vorin; on the 1ife iist ry ac d .a., 'e e t of the 
ll!r6.    Inasmuch .as I V;s r-f-'e u'ns>'er of five 
of the Buran of Biologica'l S irvey'o sýialler refles 
in "wstern  nnt-us, I hcd an eVcellent oootuuity 
froa a rea r ariund standnoint to .an'Te and studyT the 
I hnve coion(eted in the first (raft the study on the 
life history and aner  ent of the raallrd x" hich is bsed 
unon more thr- three ye/rs re.eorch. If such a study 
vere i;ood en-u,*h "nd it-et with  our a prov-l, would it 
be nossible for .e to ure it for a doctor's thesis 
in your school?  If t1at were the cse, wo-ld thlt 
interfer with d- -ublishinjý it in the very near future? 
Ty T beer fro; you. Thenk you. 
George L. G4rard 
Area Biologist 