         Pile all slash lightly alvng edges and on top of 
 sprout growths which have been bent over to receive them, 
 thus providing escape and shelter cover. 
         Clear center strip ten felt wide, dragging all stumps 
 aside and leave turned up with dirt attached for winter grit. 
         Plow and harrow, or grub those strips and   aovw in 
 scattiered patches to clover, buckwheat, Michigan mixture, etc., 
 perennials to be favored. 
 Permanent Food and EscapeCover Improvement - 
         In brush patches, along woods trails, around swamps 
 and kettl_ holes, where possible in the crevices of rocky 
 ledges, along food strips and fire lanes# plant persistent 
 fruit bearing and tho,-ny trees and shrubs, barberry, Washing- 
 ton thorn, hawthorn, blackberry, raspberry, wild rose, bul4 
 briar, etc. 
          Apple is our best all-round food and should be given 
 first consideration, prtuae old trees and set out new, graft 
 persistent bearing species. 
         3irch, poplar, oak, cherry, mulberry, beech, chestnut, 
 locust, sassafrass, etc. rate high a. food trees. 
         Azalea, grape, viburnams, bittersweet, rose, snowberry, 
 cranberry, partridge berry, etc. should be given every en- 
 couragerii .nt. 
 Swaddae Improvemont - 
         In tree swa.;.s thin at least 50% of the maple, birch 
if plentiful, and other swamp species that will grow sprouts 
to serve as brovise and cover. 
        In brush sa-_f '-s remove matured blueberry, azalea, etc. 
to encouraĆ½ge new growth. 
        Plant as schedule given in Winter Cover Improvement. 
        Development work should not be carried on in nesting 
cover during the season ii which these areas arc being used. 
Forest Composition Improvement - 
        Free thce more promising hardwood sprouts by cutting 
back the undesirable ones, and correct forked saplings. 
        Make coniferous plantings in groups of three hundred. 
        In soft wood forests reverse the above rule until the 
same hardwood softwood combination prevails.