Mr, harles Elton 
University Mu 
Oxford, E 
Dear 3ltou 
          You ca mst certainly put m  d    as a sbscriber to 
the Journal of Anmal Toology  Anything which will keep me in touch 
with your line of thini  will be a most welom      tion to m 
           ThaRcs for you good word on the Game Suvy 
           I am tryin to interest th 31olagiil 9     and the 
migrator  bird admiistration in Cana- in findig out whether the 
low water levels in the prairie prvinces wthih have created an eme 
gency in waterfowl *anservatiot this year. are not a cyclic phen 
omenon. I told them that I thogt tree rings or other Wimios could 
b  developed to determne whether this a r        ph        or 
whether (as soe have claimed) it is a       t one du  to breain 
the sod by ariult    . 
           I kw, of course. of bint. interest in this proble 
and his belief that there is a 30.Year cyle. I thin that, give a 
proper working plan, funs might be raised. possibly thmLhthe 
National Research          Would this by = c      fit in with a 
of you  Caadian work to the etent that you culd take the diretion 
of It if it materiamlses? his is just apal        i     to arm 
myself in further psigthe matter. 
           The attde   mem  sketches my reaction to the migratory 
bird problm. 
                                   Tours sirely, 
                                            ALDW LOPL 
Sept. 29.1931