Elk Refuge Notes.--Shortly after the feeding of the elk began
on the Elk Refuge in 
    Wyoming, on February 6, the weather turned warm and much of the snow
melted, but during 
    the last week in February about eight inches more fell. By the 15th of
the month, many 
    of the elk that had come to the feeding grounds were again scattered
over the refuge and ad- 
    joining ranches, but a few remained on the feeding ground on the Germain
Tract. The feeding 
    of the elk on the Germain Tract was discontinued on February 18.    On
March 1, there were 
.    approximately 1,800 elk on the feeding ground near headquarters and
about 2,000 on the 
     Izaak Walton League Addition near the Sheep Creek foothills, at which
date about 450 tons 
     of hay had been fed. 
            State Game and Fish Commissioner Bruce Nowlin arrived at the
refuge on*February 24, 
     and spent several days observing the condition of the elk and considering
the possibility 