Current Growth    Utilization      Date 
          White -Creek           4.3"              64%        April
          Cow Creek              3.9"              61/        Mar. 30

          Cabin Creek            2.0"             5.4%        Mar. 14

  *       The Cow Creek enclosure was established in March, 1929, giving

two growing seasons of protection to date. Measurements of current 
growth of bitterbrush within the enclosure end on selected plants just 
outside, show the following growth rates: 
                                      Current Growth, Inches 
          Enclosure .................        4.2 
          Outside enclosure ........... ..   3.9 
          Measurements made outside the enclosure may not be entirely 
reliable, since they were made in December after the plnits had been 
lightly browsed. Only unbrowsod. twigs were measured-, however. This 
information is submitted for; hat it may be worth. 
Chrysotheatius (gray) 
          This plaant apparently recovers readily from heavy use and is 
believed to rank next to bitterbrush in aount of browse talken. Total 
utilization will probably not exceed 10-30%, although in some places as 
much as 90-100% of the current growth has been removed. Close use is 
especially evident in localities where its density is little, or where 
it occurs in isolated patches. 
          Green Chrysothamnus is apparently very little used. It is 
not especially abundant and even when occurring as isolated individuals,

moro than 30-50% is seldom utilized. 
          Sage is abundant throughout the winter ramge, and although 
it is browsed closely only in a few localities, it is believed to form 
a considerable bulk of the browse token. Utilization is estimated at 
from 0-30%, probably averagin.- about 10%. 
Mountain mneaogany                                          . 
          There seems little doubt as to the high palatability of 
Mountain m~ahogainy; however, it does not occur in as great abundance as

some of the other specie-s, and of the total amount present only a com- 
paratively small po,- cent is available for browse. Closely grazed. 
ma. ogany takes on a cha-racteristic bushy growth that makes it difficult

to estimate utilization of individuals that are not unrder frequent 
observation. From such observations as have been made, utilization is 
estirated at about 50%. 