   O CSto rt C~aue, eeretar, r 
roturesT Institute, 
, Dark Ave 1 
""iew YorkN Y. 
         cnenos      ofy I%  froim Dr.a 
Dewar       r, of Lho           0 
Roya !N, C~ or the triv ~sity eX .inrsota 
Lethr wit to ,      00 -y o        of 
eet betw~ee the     sler~ ty, th~e 21o~iceal 
xmr and the  msitiateo 
       Thiis Is for your fis     ? for t1e. 
rr   os   aveino -raI  the aprpro1Veon 
,v,4 by t~h  Tatitute to the TUij4rsity Of!ta 
ia00oraano  -iti tte t4-r ms   the V ontraot, 
              Y.,-irs tr~y, 
              i tte-o on  strio 
                ClaĆ½ eeti- ofr Gani e 
       Aldo~ trpold: