Feb, 23, 1932 
Ier. E. L. Wickliff 
Conservation Division 
Department of Agriculture 
Columbus, Ohio 
Dea  WieIliff: 
               I appreciat your courtesy in sendin me the 
-advance ope on Trautmants quail meamurements.  This is very 
interested,   I hope that -hen it reaches the stage for public- 
ation Mr. Trautman will be able to send me a rprint, and also 
one to %rrington. Both of us, of course will safeegraar the 
information pending its publication. 
               I compiled a paper on. quail weights about a yesr 
ago, bat did not publish it besause I was not, satisfied with the 
sufficiency of the data as to certain points. Mentile I taave 
gathered some more data and I may bring it out In the next few 
months. I will be glad to send you and .rattman an advance copy 
of it. 
               Here is one suggestion that might be of use to 
you: the weights expressed in the form of frequency cuves 
might tell een.-more of a story than those expressed in averages. 
               With best regardso 
                                 Yours sincerely, 
                                         ALDO IOPOW 
                                    In Charge, Game survey