#2 AL 
and possibly expend these energies to such an extent that it can- 
not get the facts which would be a primary essential if the lands 
were publicly owned and managed. Of course, this would not apply 
to migratory geme where public acquisition of nesting, resting and 
feeding grounds provide the only sure method of perpetuating an 
adequate stock. 
      I am glad to see the stand you have taken on the trespass 
question. It has been suggested to me recently that we might 
question the right of the State to sell a hunting license to a 
person who cannot prove that he has a place to hunt, and thus re- 
duce the trespass menace. I have been endeavoring to compile 
some figures on the operation of the shooting preserve system in 
Texas and have figures which are available for the seasons 1926- 
1927, 1927-1928, 1928-1929, 1929-1930. The acreage leased for the 
years ending 1927, 1928 was not reported by managers of shooting 
preserves, but the number of preserves doubled during the period 
from 1927-1929. Following is the kill that was reported for the 
years referred to: 
For the year 1926-27 
          Bucks           Turkeys          Ducks       Geese 
          1437             1320          67,256        998 
For the year 1927-28 
          Bucks           Turkeys          Ducks       Geese 
          2156             1069        (No record waterfowl) 
For the year 1928-29 
1,500,000 acres, 
          Bucks           Turkeys          Ducks       Geese 
          3201               628         65,197        144 
For the year 1929-30 
2,408,760 acres, 
          Bucks           Turkeys          Ducks       Geese 
          3818               1,325      61,667         152 
 Increase in the number of duck shooting preserves has not been 
      From the above you will see that the shooting preserve system 
 is enjoying a considerable growth in this State, there being an 
 increase of more than 900,000 acres for the last season over the 
 previous season. From all indications a healthy growth will be 
 had for the approaching season.