E. 0. PETERSON. PRESIDENT 
                                         LOGAN, UTAH 
DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND RANGE               Septei iber 15, 1030. 
          Mr. Aldo Leopold, 
          421 Chemistry 3uilding, 
          Madison, Wiscons in. 
          Dear Mr. Leopold: 
                    Reference is made to your letter of Septermber 4 which

          accoim anied,,your Game Survey for Indiana. I was delighted to
          cei-V'6ý'[d lave looked it over and can see it would be
of great 
          value to any locality in lining up the problems which need studying.

          As I understand from your letter of August 20 that is what you

          would like to have us do here provided we are given the fellowship.

                     In regard to cooperation the matter has been taken up

          with Commissioner Mecham at $Salt Lake City who has promised to
          $1000 a year for two years to help out in the work in the state.

          Correspondence has also been had with Mr. Madsen who is president

          of the Utah State Sportsmen's Association and who wrote me very

          favorably and with whom I am going to have a personal talk in 
          about two weeks time as soon as he is through with his trip to

          Yellqptone Park. 
                     We would like very much to know how much money your

          fellowships allow and over what period of time they run. In talk-

          ing this matter over with McGinnis from Arizona I understand the

          fellowship runs for a period of two years. 
                     As soon as the cooperation is fully lined up we will

          start outlining a project which all the cooperators will of course

          be interested in and send the project to you with written statement

          of what corperation can be expected from the different organizitions.

                                               Yours very truly, 
                                               TG. .Taylor, 
                                               Frofessor o: Forestry 
TG ': RS